Tushar Gupta weds Prachi Agrawal
Busy with life and monotonous routine, Tushar’s simplicity didn’t catch my attention when we initially got connected on Jeevansathi.com in December 2015. Few days later in January 2016, we re-connected and tried to strike few conversations but I did not pay attention either. Tushar being patient and persistent, we continued talking for a couple of times and he unfolded all my questions and doubts. Owing to “Hindu Baniya Family” customs, our horoscope match was a must and unfortunately it did not match resulting me to say no to him (despite I know this was wrong).
Something kept telling me that he will come back and I wasn’t very surprised when I saw his message on February 14 (Valentine’s Day). And we decided to give a second try, considering “we don’t often find likeminded people”. Our horoscopes matched partially and partially we made our parents understand that our horoscopes might be imperfect but we both are perfect for one another.
For me Tushar has everything, patience, perseverance, maturity to handle my tantrums, and most important understand my career aspirations too. His sparkling simplicity and class apart calm behavior made me fall for him. Tushar often mentions that with so many interactions with girls what he was looking for was an independent and ambitious girl, who can walk with him this journey called life with a smile. While I insisted to connect more often on skype and calls to know each other better, Tushar was equally willing to give more to this growing relationship. Since it is 9.5hours time difference between US and India, we divided time of early mornings and late nights to give each other and our daily routine a justified time. They say “if it is destined and right, it will happen”. Quick decision making & Chivalry are two of Tushar’s many qualities that motivated me to travel this journey. Fortunately, he knew "I am the one" from the day 1
April 24, 2016 – we met just once and were “Sold out for life” and we crossed the bridge and got hitched!