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Solomon Gnana Raj Swarna weds Menaal Kaushal
Bible says that Before the foundations of the earth were laid the Lord had planned us. But little did I know that we would get connected on jeevansathi in such a miraculous way as this! Both me and Solomon had made our profiles rather reluctantly on the secular portal. But then one day I decided to express my heart out, reading which some profiles withdrew their interest in me. I thanked God because closing doors are a blessing in desguise as they guide you regarding where not to traverse. Then one fine day Solo read my profile and prayerfully sent me the interest. When I read how he wanted to work among the orphans, I immediately accepted his interest on jeevansathi. Though oceans away, we connected on the common ground of our love for our Lord Jesus Christ and the hearts to serve. Mails and messages enabled us to understand that we carry the same vision- the common Fire. And in prayers, the Lord revealed to us that we were soulmates, cut out from the same cloth. Truly it's a miracle: a blissful blend of South and North of India, crossing all the man made barriers of language and colours challenging the distances between Asia and Africa to letting God Himself guide the union of two "spiritual twins". Thank you jeevansathi. God bless