I met him on jeevansathi app. He later pinged me on whatsapp and we started talking on a daily basis. He was settled in Delhi and used to live near my parents house . And I was in working in pune. We started having voice calls then later video calls daily. I loved each and everything about him . He was in Delhi and I was in pune. We wanted to meet so I came to Delhi and met him. I straight went to his house and met his mom. She welcomed me so well like her own daughter. Later we went on a drive and talked whole day. The very next day he came to my house with his parents and met my whole family. Everything just felt so right that we decided to marry each other. Then i went back to pune. But due to wfh i came back to delhi next week itself. After that we used to meet every weekend. We were desparately waiting for the wedding day.. we did our complete wedding shopping together. After many dates , we finally got married in December. Right now i am writing this down and he is sitting right next to me. ❤️