Upload Photo(s)
Upload your Photo(s) - get "The Photo Advantage"
1. A photograph is worth a thousand words. You are likely to receive a 7 times higher response, in case your Photo is attached to your Profile.  
2. Our experience shows that over 40% members search ONLY Photo Profiles.
3. Photo Profile shows your seriousness to other members - would you also not be more interested to view those profiles which have a photo? You will get right response from members who are interested in you.
4. You can add your Photo in 3 ways : (i) Upload your photo yourself; (ii) Email your photo; (iii) Post your photo to us. After login to My JeevanSathi, click on "Upload/Remove Photo" for further details.
Create Your Own Photo Album!
Add Multiple Photos to your Profile!
Increase Response by 10 times!
Upto 3 photographs can be attached