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I am filled with gratitude for the service you provide through I've been looking for a life partner for a long time but did not find any suitable alliances. I then put my profile on the jeevansathi site and I began to meet a lot of potential alliances. The matches I found on the site were better than any of the other sites I've tried (as your filters provided me with the kind of profiles I was interested in). This finally led me to my life partner. I found Shubha in December 2006. She is one of the most wonderful people I have met. We began to speak over the phone and got to know each other better. I found that we had much in common. Our affinity for each other grew and we decided to take the next step. In July of 2007, I traveled to India from the US to finally meet Shubha and her parents. To our surprise, we decided to get married right away in India and were happily married within a month. Our parents and relatives are thrilled with the match. August 18th of 2007, which was our wedding day, was the happiest day of our lives. We anxiously look forward to building our relationship, starting a family, and living a life that is pleasing to God. We thank for bringing us together; we would not have found each other if we had not found Jeevansathi first. Thank you