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ravikbdayal weds Pratibha
It started in the month of DEC 2005 with a blind request to find her as a FRIEND , THEN AS GIRL FRIEND THEN AS FIANCE & FINALLY AS A WIFE. It was struggle of nearly 14 months to convince both our families . I left places & jobs to somehow prove the concept of internet based profile matching & marriages a SUCCESS...MANTRA . We belong to generation 'I' - INTERNET , INFORMATION & INDIA. India is next super power of the Century & needs ppl like us me & pratibha the gal in the snap to come closer & make a difference in the society . She deleted her profile well before we could engage but I strongly believed that we can MAKE things happen without mediating parties as most often true in old custom marriages. THANKS JEEVANSAATHI ATLAS..WE DID IT...! ON 20TH FEBRUARY 2007