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sikkim Brides Matrimonial

  • sikkim Brides
  • UXAX0019

    32 Years, 5' 0" | Buddhist / Sikkim/ Nepali | | B.A. (Hons)| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh| Others| Gangtok

  • UXAZ3129

    24 Years, 4' 11" | Hindu / Hindi-Delhi | Ahir | upamanu(Gotra)| MBE| Rs. 0 - 1 Lakh| Clerk| Gangtok

  • UYRS4647

    26 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Hindi-Bihar/Jharkhand | Teli | kashyap(Gotra)| BBA| Rs. 7.5 - 10 Lakh| HR Professional| Gangtok

  • UYSZ1509

    20 Years, 5' 4" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Rajput| Other| No Income| Student| Others

  • UYTT0511

    24 Years, 4' 1" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Ad Dharmi | High School| No Income| Looking for job| Singtam

  • UYTV4187

    39 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Besta | High School| Rs. 1 - 2 Lakh| Others| Gangtok

  • UYUY9657

    26 Years, 5' 1" | Christian / Sikkim/ Nepali | | High School| Rs. 1 - 2 Lakh| Beautician| Siliguri

  • UYWY1555

    35 Years, 5' 0" | Hindu / Hindi-Bihar/Jharkhand | Brahmin| Kashyap(Gotra)| MJMC| Rs. 7.5 - 10 Lakh| PR Professional| Araria

  • UYXY0371

    35 Years, 5' 0" | Christian / Sikkim/ Nepali | | B.A| Rs. 0 - 1 Lakh| Others| Gangtok

  • UYYX9275

    27 Years, 4' 11" | Hindu / Hindi-UP/UK | Swarnkar | MBM| No Income, Teacher | Gangtok

  • UZRR6715

    32 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Hindi-Bihar/Jharkhand | Bania| kashyap(Gotra)| MCh| Rs. 4 - 5 Lakh, Teacher | Jorethang

  • UZRY8925

    18 Years, 5' 0" | Christian / Sikkim/ Nepali | | High School| No Income| Looking for job| Gangtok

  • UZRA8351

    26 Years, 5' 1" | Hindu / Hindi-Delhi | Bania| Kashyap(Gotra)| High School| Rs. 2 - 3 Lakh, Businessperson | Siliguri

  • UZTT3703

    34 Years, 5' 0" | Hindu / Hindi-Delhi | Bania| B.Com| Rs. 2 - 3 Lakh| Business Owner/ Entrepreneur| Singtam

  • UZTV9421

    28 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Hindi-Delhi | Bania| kashyap(Gotra)| M.Com| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| HR Professional| Gangtok

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Matched by Jeevansathi

sikkim Brides

Sikkim is an Indian landlocked state, which is surrounded by Himalayas. The state is known to be the second smallest in area and have the least of the population in the country. Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity are the main religions followed in the state and therefore Sikkim matrimonies are performed according to people's respective religion. Sikkim brides can mainly be seen talking in Nepali language and generally stay in the indoors of the houses taking care of the household chores.

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