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Thiyya Matrimonial

  • Thiyya Brides
  • Thiyya Grooms
  • UTRY8627

    28 Years, 5' 0" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | B.E/B.Tech| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| Sr. Manager/ Manager| Chennai/ Madras

  • UTSR7123

    29 Years, 5' 4" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | L.L.M.| $60,001 - 80,000| Professor/Lecturer| Dubai

  • UTWR4789

    27 Years, 5' 7" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | M.Des| No Income| Interior Designer| Mumbai

  • UTWS7447

    23 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | B.E/B.Tech| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh, Non – IT Engineer | Palakkad

  • UTZS9005

    28 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | MDS| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| Dentist| Mumbai

  • UURT3019

    29 Years, 5' 4" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | MBA/PGDM| $25,001 - 40,000| Finance Professional| Dubai

  • UUTY4341

    27 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | thiyya(Gotra)| B.Sc| Rs. 15 - 20 Lakh| Airline Professional| Malappuram

  • UUZS5897

    26 Years, 5' 0" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | B.Sc| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh, Medical/ Healthcare Professional | Kalpetta

  • UUZT9839

    32 Years, 5' 1" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | kashyap(Gotra)| BHM| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| Operations Management| New Delhi

  • UVST1187

    35 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | B.E/B.Tech| No Income| Media Professional| Dubai

  • UVVV7481

    54 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | B.A| No Income| Not working| Bangalore

  • UVXZ0313

    30 Years, 5' 5" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | MID| $80,001 - 100,000| Doctor| New York

  • UVZS4311

    25 Years, 5' 6" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | Thiyya(Gotra)| M.A| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh| Consultant| Others

  • UWSS9113

    30 Years, 5' 7" | Hindu / Malayalam | Thiyya | M.Com| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| Finance Professional| Mumbai

  • UWZT0539

    31 Years, 5' 5" | Hindu / Hindi-Delhi | Thiyya | Thiyya(Gotra)| PhD| $60,001 - 80,000| Scientist| Quebec

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Matched by Jeevansathi

Thiyya Matrimonial

Thiyyas, also known as Ezhavas and Billavas, form the largest Hindu community in the state of Kerala. Thiyyas are originally Hindus but many of them had converted into Christians and Sikhs in 1920s. Ezhavas are believed to be a martial race historically as many served in the armed forces of important kings in Calicut, Travancore and Cochin. Besides this, Thiyyas have been involved in Ayurveda, Toxicology (visha chikitsa), coconut trading, farming, arrack brewing, distillery and toddy tapping.

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